Young Professional Leadership

IEAA Young Professional (YP) Chapters are led by emerging leaders in international education. The leadership team volunteer their time to organise networking events and connecting young professionals with each other.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

Iris Wang (IEAA-AF), Co-Chair

Iris Wang is the Marketing Manager within the International Strategy and Future Students Division at the Australian National University. She spearheads end-to-end digital campaigns targeting international markets. With several years of experience in the higher education sector, she has worked in areas of admissions, student recruitment, events marketing, social media and marketing automation across institutions such as La Trobe Colleges, the University of Canberra and UC College. Having previously served as the International Marketing Specialist at UC, Iris showcased outstanding project management skills in overseeing multiple initiatives simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery and seamless execution of digital campaigns, social media strategies, and marketing efforts in the context of international partnerships in advancing the Australian institution's global presence and reputation.

Kamila Dixon (IEAA-AF), Co-Chair

Kamila is originally from the Czech Republic and has been working in international education since 2017. Her enthusiasm for the sector however began in 2011 during a transformative internship in Romania, sparking a lifelong passion for fostering global connections. Kamila’s professional background spans across the school, VET, and HE sectors, and she is currently the Senior Partnerships Coordinator at the University of Canberra, specialising in transnational education and partnerships engagement. Kamila holds a master’s degree in marketing and business and a graduate diploma in psychological science.

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