International Education: Broadening Your Business Horizons Employers

As Australia’s fourth largest export, the international education sector was worth almost $35 billion to the economy in 2018 and supports more than 240,000 jobs. That’s putting a whole lot of good back into business.

But the benefits of international education don’t stop there. More and more employers are realising the value of a diverse, globally minded workforce. Australian employers also need a diverse and sustainable talent pool to drive growth, and remain competitive in a global economy.

Here are our top five ways international students and graduates can broaden the horizons of your business or organisation.

 The material was developed by IEAA as part of a broader community and employer engagement project, with the support of Australian Government’s Enabling Growth and Innovation program. The views and opinions expressed in the materials do not necessarily reflect the views of or have the endorsement of the Australian Government or of any Minister, or indicate the Australian Government’s commitment to a particular course of action.