National Symposium on the future of Australia-China School Partnerships

This follow-up report to IEAA’s National Symposium on the future of Australia-China school partnerships serves to share key learnings, ensure accessibility and deepen impact of the information and insights that were presented during the symposium.

This follow-up report to IEAA’s National Symposium on the future of Australia-China school partnerships, held on 21 May 2024, serves to share key learnings, ensure accessibility and deepen impact of the information and insights that were presented and discussed during the symposium.

The National Symposium, this follow-up report and other accompanying digital resources have been supported through a grant from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

IEAA acknowledges the many contributions of individual speakers, panel chairs and facilitators to the National Symposium on the future of Australia-China school partnerships. These individuals are listed in full at the end of the report.

In addition, IEAA acknowledges the work of the Advisory Group for this project:

  • Professor Ren Yi (Chair), IEAA Vice President and Pro Vice-Chancellor International, The University of Southern Queensland
  • Caraline Cloke, The Association of Independent Schools of NSW
  • Dr Kirrilee Hughes, IEAA
  • Rachel Lynch, First Secretary (Education and Research), Australian Embassy, China
  • Linda Vaughan, Department of Education, Victoria and Australian Government Schools International (AGSI)
  • Dr Helen Yang, IEAA Research Committee and La Trobe University

IEAA also recognises Australian Government Schools International (AGSI), Independent Schools Australia (ISA) and the Australia-China Young Professionals Initiative (ACYPI) for supporting this project; Dr Kirrilee Hughes, IEAA Research Manager, for compiling and editing this report; and Sherry Zhang for project support and translation services.

Suggested Citation

International Education Association of Australia (IEAA), Report on the National Symposium on the future of Australia-China school partnerships, IEAA, 2024.