Emerging Researchers Group

Associate Professor Amanda Daly (Chair)

Amanda is a Member of IEAA's Research Committee and is the inaugural Chair of IEAA's Emerging Researchers Group. She is Academic Director (EmpowerED University Preparation) at Griffith University. Over the last 20 years, Amanda has worked within the education industry as an administrator, university business educator and researcher, with a specific focus on international students and student mobility. She also has a wealth of experience as an academic and curriculum developer driving the internationalisation of the curriculum and enhancing the student experience.

Varsha Balakrishnan

Varsha is the Head of Student Insights and Strategy at The Lygon Group where she focuses on bringing the student voice to the forefront of our community to inform, influence and action an international education focused agenda. Varsha is the innovator behind #TheSocialSource, an AI-supported dynamic insights platform that has revolutionized how the sector monitors international student sentiment. This platform informs governments, peak industry bodies, institutions and key stakeholders and has gained significant global media attention, influencing public discourse on key issues affecting international students.

Cara Bonnington

As Associate Director, Global Mobility Cara oversees Sydney Global Mobility - the teams that manage inbound and outbound student mobility and international agreements at The University of Sydney. Cara works collaboratively with faculties and schools to grow and develop opportunities for student mobility in line with the University's strategic 50% outbound student mobility target. She has a Master's degree in Intercultural Communication from the University of Pennsylvania and is a current PhD candidate in the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Dr Jonathan Burrow

Jonathan is an interdisciplinary social scientist and program manager with a passion for storytelling. He has qualifications in media, anthropology and geography and has conducted research with factory managers, transnational families and organisations. He has over ten years' experience in operational and project roles in international education with a focus on transnational engagements in China and Southeast Asia.

Dr Anna Kent

Anna has a PhD from Deakin University. Her thesis was awarded the 2022 IEAA Outstanding Thesis Award. Her research interests include international education, international development and foreign policies, and where they intersect. Anna was the inaugural convener of IEAA's Scholarships and Fellowships Network and is a member of the Centre for Contemporary Histories. Her first book will soon be published by ANU Press.

Elena Williams

Elena is a higher education consultant and PhD candidate at The Australian National University, researching the impact of learning abroad on Australia-Indonesia relations. She previously served as Indonesian Resident Director with The Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies (ACICIS), and is a current selection panel member for the Australia Awards Indonesia and New Colombo Plan scholarships, and board member with DFAT's Australia-Indonesia Institute.