
IEAA Scholarships and Fellowships Forum 2024

Spotlight on Scholarships, Focus on Fellowships
22 May 2024 - 23 May 2024, Bruce
IEAA's Scholarships and Fellowships Network provides a platform for sharing ideas and developing the specialised skills of international education practitioners whose work involves sponsored students and fellowship recipients, and their sponsors.
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The IEAA Scholarships and Fellowships Forum is an opportunity to connect (or reconnect) with government sponsors, practitioners at institutions and other organisations, as well hear from our key stakeholders – awardees.

We will hear from various sponsors of both scholarship and fellowship programs on Day 1, covering both in-coming and out-going programs, those funded by the Australian government, institutions and other organisations, as well as programs funded by overseas sponsors. 

The importance of hearing the awardee perspective is well understood by those in the international education sector. This year, there will be two student/alumni panels – one focused on fellowship recipients, with the other covering scholarship programs.
Following the formal program on Day 1, there will be opportunities to continue the conversation with panelists and colleagues alike over networking drinks. Co-hosting networking drinks will be the ACT Young Professionals and involve an author event with Dr Anna Kent, where she will discuss her new book on scholarships in the Pacific. 

Day 2 will reflect on the messages from Day 1 considering the voices of sponsors, students, alumni, and institutions, as well as a series of interactive best practice sessions. Some of the topics to be covered include:

Supporting students from countries experiencing conflict
Role of scholarships in driving and supporting the diversification agenda
Role of fellowships in capacity building and developing future professional and/or research collaborations
Institutional best practice
Recent research
Examples of real world impact


Wednesday 22 May 12:00pm - 7:00pm AEST

12:00pm  Networking Lunch
12:30pm Opening comments 
Hon Phil Honeywood, Alison White, Tatjana Kroll, Johan Arnberg
12:45pm Focus on Fellowships Part 1 – Fellowship Sponsors
Rhona McPhee, Kate Turner-Mann, Dr Jonathan Lembright, Sally Campbell, Dr Jessica Gallagher, Alison White (Chair)
1:30pm  Spotlight on Scholarships Part 1– Australian Sponsors
Rhona McPhee, Frances Crews, Sankalp Sheikar, Alexander Meekin, Johan Arnberg (Chair)
2:15pm  Spotlight on Scholarships Part 2 – Overseas sponsors 
Dang Thuy Chi, Mohammad Khairul Amilin Tengah, Dr Farah Fahma, Mario Corredor, Tatjana Kroll (Chair)
3:00pm  Afternoon tea 
3:20pm  Scholarship student/alumni panel
Thanh Huyen Nguyen, Hameed Ibrahimi, Amina Garuba Ahmed, Alison White (Chair)
4:05pm Fellowship recipient panel
Yara Vasina, Dr Nanda Kumar, Dr Ana Cordova, Dr Elly Kent, Manita Raut, Dr Joanne Barker (Chair)
4:50pm Close
Tatjana Kroll, Johan Arnberg
5:00pm Joint ACT Young Professionals Networking Event
Dr Anna Kent


Thursday 23 May 9:30am - 3:15pm AEST

9:30am  Opening and reflections of Day 1
Tatjana Kroll, Johan Arnberg
10:15am Best practice – supporting students from countries experiencing conflict
Dr Sally Baker, Tatia Pittham, Clare Muller, Sandra Elhelw,  Johan Arnberg (Chair)
11:30am  Morning Tea 
11:45am  Role of scholarships in driving the diversification agenda
Wendy Holdenson, Hayley Winchcombe, Dr Alek Voninski, James Armit, Trevor Goddard, Alison White (Chair)
12:45pm Erasmus+ opportunities for collaboration with European Union higher education institutions
Elizabeth Lee-Finkelstein   
1:00pm  Lunch 
1:45pm  Sponsor showcase – Tetra Tech International Development
Dr Gabi Sudewo, Dr Gretchen Dobson, Lia Marpaung, Nelson Salangsang (Chair)
2:30pm Best practice – Role of Fellowships: managing them well will enhance capacity building and future professional and/or research collaborations
Jo Doyle, Kanchana Wijayawardena, Dr Anna Kent, Tatjana Kroll (Chair) 

Alison White



IEAA’s Scholarships and Fellowships Forum provides a unique opportunity for government representatives, sponsorship bodies and institutional staff to come together and explore a range of issues and opportunities. This forum will be useful for:

Professional staff in institutions who work with sponsored students.
Senior staff within institutions who work directly with sponsors and/or set policies or budgets for international scholarships.
Government sponsors (embassy staff, cultural attaches, departmental staff, secretariats).
Non-government and private sponsorship organisations.
Academics undertaking research in scholarships, public diplomacy and international development.


Forum participants will come away with a better understanding of:

• Scholarship and fellowship programs from Australia and other countries, including both government and non-government sponsors
• Best practice in cohort-specific support for a diverse range of sponsored students and fellowship recipients
• Role of scholarships in supporting the diversification of international education
• Role of fellowships in capacity building and professional/research collaborations

Forum participants will also have the opportunity to make connections with representatives from government and non-government scholarship and fellowship programs, and network with fellow professionals committed to providing students and sponsors with best practice support. 

Accommodation discounts

There are discounts available at hotels within walking distance to the venue, please see instructions below.

Abode Apartment Hotels - Belconnen, 3 Grazier Lane & Gungahlin Cnr Gribble St & Anthony Rolfle Ave
•10% off online rate
•Visit abodehotels.com.au
•Select Belconnen ‘Book Now’ OR Gungahlin ‘Book Now’
•Enter dates of stay
•Enter UCX24 in the promo code section to apply the discount

Mercure Canberra Belconnen – Chandler Street Belconnen
•10% off the rate of the day
•Enter ‘Mercure Canberra Belconnen’ into Place field
•Enter dates of stay
•Business Code (SC750018616) and Access Code (UN734AU314) are auto filled discount is linked to Company Name: University of Canberra.


This event is led by IEAA’s Scholarships and Fellowships Network.

We thank our event sponsors Tetra Tech International Development

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Ann Harding Conference Centre
24 University Drive S
22 May 2024 - 23 May 2024
You can earn up to 200 fellowship points.

Event Speakers

Event speaker details will be updated as they are confirmed.
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 27 items in 2 pages
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James Armit

Director Future Students 

University of Canberra 

James Armit is Director Future Students at UC, a senior leadership role with accountability for domestic and international student recruitment and admissions. A seasoned tertiary education leader, James draws on prior experience as a Faculty Manager, Student Services Lead, and Head of Student Admin, to bring a system-thinking approach to recruitment and admissions practices. Passionate about equity and access, he seeks to inspire colleagues to rethink conventional recruitment approaches, reducing barriers to participation and supporting student retention and success.

Johan Arnberg, IEAA-AF

Senior Manager, Global Sponsorship and Mobility 

University of Queensland (UQ) 

Johan is the Senior Manager, Global Sponsorship and Mobility at The University of Queensland. This portfolio for instance includes sponsored students, Australia Awards, NCP and a range of international scholarships. Johan brings a wealth of knowledge having previously worked at The Australian National University in the international portfolio for over 10 years, for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Swedish Department of Defence and as Director, Study Canberra for the ACT Government. Johan has studied at Lund University, University of Queensland, Harvard University, Griffith University and most recently at The Australian National University. He has received several industry accolades for his contribution to the international education sector and Johan is an IEAA Associate Fellow.

Dr Joanne Barker, IEAA-SF

Researcher and International Scholarships Consultant 

RMIT University 

Dr Joanne Barker is an international education consultant and global mobility researcher. She has a PhD in public policy which examined evaluation in an Australian Government international scholarship program. Since 2018 Joanne has undertaken regular consulting work for the Australia Awards scholarship program. She has participated in the selection of long-term awardees from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste. Joanne previously worked for 18 years as director of international student programs in two universities. During that time, she was an elected member of the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) Board from 2012 to 2016 and was an invited member (representing Australasia) of the US-based TOEFL Board from 2014 to 2018. Joanne was the recipient of the IEAA Outstanding Postgraduate Thesis Award in 2023 and is an IEAA Senior Fellow.

Dang Thuy Chi

First Secretary, Education Office 

Embassy of Vietnam in Australia 

Ms Dang Thuy Chi is has been involving in the field of education for 30 years. She is currently the first secretary for education, the Embassy of Vietnam in Australia. Before starting her term at the Embassy, she had been Australian and New Zealand Desk Officer at International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Education and Training Vietnam. Besides bilateral cooperation with Australia and New Zealand, Ms Chi had been managing multi-lateral education cooperation within APEC region.

Ana Cordova

Visiting Fellow 

Australian National University (ANU) 

Ana Cordova is a Visiting Fellow at ANU

Dr Gretchen Dobson

Associate Director, Scholarships 

Tetra Tech International Development 

Gretchen Dobson is a global engagement strategist, author and academic with 30 years’ experience working across six continents. In 2022, she joined Tetra Tech International Development as Associate Director, Scholarships focusing on advancing professional development and lifelong learning initiatives for alumni across the Indo-Pacific and Southeast Asia in addition to targeted on-award initiatives to provide foundational support to enrich scholars’ academic and professional experiences while remaining mindful of personal wellbeing. Over her career Gretchen has advised clients and policymakers on digital and creative strategies and solutions that enable educational institutions, companies, NGOs, and governments to identify, track, engage, and manage relationships with their global stakeholders and brand ambassadors.

Jo Doyle, IEAA-AF

Research Fellow 

Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) 

Jo is a Research Fellow in the Tertiary and Professional Education program at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). She has over 25 years’ experience working in the tertiary sector and her research expertise includes international development scholarships and fellowships, and graduate outcomes. Jo is the former Deputy Facility Manager of the Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility (GTF), a research initiative which ran from 2016 to 2024, which investigated the long-term outcomes of the Australian Government’s investment in development scholarships and fellowships since the 1950’s. As part of the GTF’s qualitative research, Jo has collected countless insights into the impact of scholarships and fellowships on alumni, their organisations, and communities. She is particularly interested the effectiveness of fellowships as a mechanism to build rapid capacity of targeted groups within organisations or across sectors and has co-authored 4 GTF case studies focusing on the long-term impact of Australia Awards fellowships. Jo is a frequent contributor to the Scholarship and Fellowship Network and is an Associate Fellow of IEAA. She has contributed to several IEAA resources, including authoring the ‘2015 IEAA International Employability Guide for International Students’.

Sandra Elhelw


Settlement Council of Australia 

Sandra is the CEO of the Settlement Council of Australia, the peak body representing Australia’s migrant and refugee services. The Council has over 125 member organisations that work with migrants and refugees to build a new life in Australia. In her current role, she leads the sector in building an inclusive society where migrants and refugees belong and thrive. Prior to joining SCOA, Sandra has had roles working in government, and frontline social services. She is also undertaking a PhD on domestic and family violence in Australian Muslim communities.

Dr Jessica Gallagher

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement) 

University of Adelaide 

Professor Jessica Gallagher joined the University of Adelaide as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement) in November 2021. She is responsible for overseeing a diverse engagement portfolio with a focus is on contributing to the growth and sustainability of the University through leadership of strategic partnerships, recruitment, community outreach and internationalisation initiatives. She leads the strategy and delivery of the University’s key services in advancement, alumni and community relations, media, corporate relations and communications, marketing and student recruitment, as well as global engagement and partnerships. Prior to joining the University of Adelaide, Jessica held the position Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement & Entrepreneurship) at The University of Queensland (UQ) where she established and executed innovative global strategies that fostered high performing partnerships across sectors and geographies. She also led the development of the University’s first Entrepreneurship Strategy and oversee the establishment of a suite of collaborative programs within the UQ Ventures umbrella.

Amina Garuba Ahmed

Chief Magistrate I & Principal District Judge/Director 

Bauchi State Judiciary, Nigeria 

Amina Garuba Ahmed is a highly accomplished legal practitioner, social activist and community leader currently serving as a Chief Magistrate I and Director with the Bauchi State Judiciary, Nigeria. She was born in 1978 in Benue State and obtained her LLB degree from the University of Jos in 2003. She was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2005 after completing the Bar Vocational Course at the Nigerian Law School. She obtained a Masters of Dispute Resolution from the University of New South Wales, Sydney in 2012 under the Australia Africa Award Scholarship Program and a Public Management Fellowship from Howard University, Centre for Global Business Studies, Washington D.C in 2014 under the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders program. With about 18 years of experience in the legal field, Amina has earned a reputation as a fair and impartial judge, known for her keen legal insight and ability to navigate complex cases with ease. She is currently serving as the Chief Magistrate I and a Principal District Judge, and the Director of Special Duties with the Bauchi State Judiciary in Nigeria. With almost two decades of experience in the legal profession, Amina served as a judge of the 2023 Nigeria Election Petition Tribunal and has become renowned for her integrity, expertise, and unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law.

Trevor Goddard, IEAA-SF

Principal & Executive Director 

Goddard & Associates Pty Ltd 

Trevor advises government, industry and education providers on the design of education and diplomacy initiatives. He is an Honorary Fellow at Deakin University. Through a WHO appointment he built a learning abroad program receiving an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Award. Trevor is a Non-Executive Director of the ASEAN-Australia Strategic Youth Partnership and has a Masters in International Studies. Previously appointed to the DFAT New Colombo Plan Reference Group he continues to work with global scholarship providers. Trevor has served on the Board of the International Education Association of Australia and as a Principal Adviser with Asialink Business. His work elevates the impact of scholarship programs for individuals, funders and communities, with a focus on industry engagement across the Indo-Pacific.

Wendy Holdenson

Non Executive Director 

Mitsui and Co (Australia) Ltd 

Wendy has represented Australia as Consul-General and Trade & Investment Commissioner in Japan, and for the last decade has been a Director of Japanese conglomerate Mitsui & Co. (Australia) Ltd. She is passionate about student mobility in Asia as a Trustee for the Mitsui Educational Foundation, and a Business Champion for the New Colombo Plan. She is also on the advisory boards of UNSW Business School and Japan’s Kyushu Sangyo University, and on the Board of the Australia- Japan Foundation.

Thanh Huyen Nguyen

Masters Student, International and Development Economics 

Australian National University (ANU) 

Thanh Huyen Nguyen is a final year master’s student in International and Development Economics at the Australian National University, and a recipient of the Australia Awards Scholarship. Originally from Vietnam, Huyen is a dedicated researcher for a government economics institution under the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam where she acts as a policy consultant at both local level and national level. With a passion for economic development and a commitment to make significant contributions to her home country, Huyen has pursued advanced studies in Australia to enhance professional skills and knowledge in the field as well as to enrich the academic network from many countries. Throughout the international studying journey, Huyen believes that these experiences will be invaluable assets to promote international students’ career upon the return to their home country.

Dr Anna Kent, IEAA-SF


Deakin University 

Anna is a historian and international education expert with extensive research and project management experience in an International Development and education context. She also works as a sessional academic, teaching history. Her first book, Mandates and Missteps, was published by ANU Press in 2024. Her research interests include international education, international development, foreign policy and their intersections. Anna has a PhD from Deakin University. Her thesis was awarded the Outstanding Postgraduate Thesis Award in the 2022 IEAA Excellence Awards. Anna is a Senior Fellow of the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) and was the inaugural convener of the IEAA Scholarships and Fellowships Network.

Dr Ellen Kent

Lecturer, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia & the Pacific 

Australian National University (ANU) 

Dr Elly Kent is a lecturer in the School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia & the Pacific, at the Australian National University. Her recent publications include Artists and the People: Ideologies of Art in Indonesia (NUS Press, 2022) and the co-edited book Living Art: Indonesian Artists Engage Politics, Society and History (ANU Press, 2022). In 2012 Elly was awarded an Endeavour Prime Minister’s Australia-Asia Postgraduate Award (outgoing) and spent 2 years living in Indonesia with her young family while conducting field work.

Tatjana Kroll

Senior Contact Officer, Sponsored Students (AAS) 

UNSW Sydney 

Tatjana is the Senior Contact Officer, Sponsored Students at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. She is responsible for the management of the Australia Awards Scholarships cohort from pre-arrival to completion and everything in between. She has been working in higher education for the last 21 years and gained experience in the areas of academic misconduct, graduations, OH&S, equitable learning, release requests and international scholarships. Tatjana has been fortunate to add to her skillset by volunteering on faculty and central administration committees either as an office bearer or a member. Tatjana is passionate about identifying common ground between the complexities of legislation, sponsorship contracts and educational institution procedures to negotiate mutually agreeable outcomes that enhance the experience of students and their sponsors.

Dr Jonathan Lembright

Regional Director Higher Education 

Institute of International Education 

Jonathan serves as a Regional Director for IIE based in Bangkok, Thailand. In this role he is responsible for leading engagement with governments, corporations, universities, and nonprofits throughout Asia Pacific. This includes administering scholarships, English language initiatives, student mobility, partnership facilitation, and capacity building with stakeholders and institutions in their efforts to engage better globally. This work takes place in a diverse network of countries, including Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.

Lia Marpaung

Gender Equality, Disability & Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Adviser 

Australia Awards Indonesia 

International development programme, particularly on Gender, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) are the professional area where Lia has the experience and qualification, and most importantly, where her concern lay. For the last fifteen years, Lia has worked in various capacities on law and justice, economic and social development issues in challenging developing setting in Indonesia. She’s been working with the United Nations and the Australia Government aid programmes under the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for Indonesia. Lia holds two master’s degrees from the University of Indonesia with the major on Economics and Public Policy, and from the University of Melbourne, Australia, with the specialization on Social Policy. Lia is also an alumnus of the prestigious Australia Awards Scholarship Program in 2012. She’s currently work as the GEDSI Adviser for Tetra Tech. International Development, for Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI) Program. She is also the founder of FORMASI DISABILITAS, a disability inclusion network in Indonesia focuses on providing policy support to the Government of Indonesia, and a national executive board member for Indonesian Association of Persons with Disabilities (PPDI).

Rhona McPhee

Director, Global Education and Scholarships 

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) 

Prior to commencing her current role as the Director of the Global Education and Scholarships Section in late 2022, Ms McPhee has had a career of more than 15 years working with Department on Pacific Islands foreign policy and development. She was most recently Director Micronesia, expanding Australia’s diplomatic network across the north Pacific (2019-2022) and coordinating Australia’s COVID-response across this network of six small island states. Prior to that, Ms McPhee was Australia’s Deputy High Commissioner for Tonga, where she headed up Australia’s development program (2017-2019). She also led DFAT’s portfolio of Pacific climate change work (2014-17). Prior to that she worked on bilateral relations between Australia and Melanesian partners – on forestry and climate change in Papua New Guinea, a posting at Australia’s diplomatic mission in Honiara Solomon Islands, law and justice and health partnerships in Vanuatu. Ms McPhee holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Science with Honours from The University of Queensland and a Master of Forestry from the Australian National University. She began her career as an environmental scientist working on water quality, river health, and marine environments and transitioned to the development sector by working as Australian volunteer with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP), in the Federated States of Micronesia.

Tatia Pittham

Head of International Health & Education 

Allianz Care Australia 

Tatia boasts over a decade of experience within the private health insurance and financial services sectors, most recently being appointed as the Head of International Health & Education at Allianz Partners in August 2023. Tatia's professional journey took root at Bupa, where she spent eight years serving in senior management roles, including Head of International Partnerships. Her career at Bupa was marked by notable achievements, most notably her pivotal role in expanding the company's reach into international markets across Asia. During her time there, Tatia was instrumental in pioneering cross-border arrangements that contributed to the organization's profitable growth within the international student and visitor customer segments. Her strategic acumen and innovative thinking helped Bupa adapt to the evolving needs of a diverse customer base.

Register for this Event

Register yourself or a group for this event then when you are ready to complete your registration select proceed to checkout. See more information on registering for an event below or contact IEAA for assistance.

IEAA Scholarships and Fellowships Forum 2024

IEAA's Scholarships and Fellowships Network provides a platform for sharing ideas and developing the specialised skills of international education practitioners whose work involves sponsored students and fellowship recipients, and their sponsors.

The IEAA Scholarships and Fellowships Forum is an opportunity to connect (or reconnect) with government sponsors, practitioners at institutions and other organisations, as well hear from our key stakeholders – awardees.

We will hear from various sponsors of both scholarship and fellowship programs on Day 1, covering both in-coming and out-going programs, those funded by the Australian government, institutions and other organisations, as well as programs funded by overseas sponsors. 

The importance of hearing the awardee perspective is well understood by those in the international education sector. This year, there will be two student/alumni panels – one focused on fellowship recipients, with the other covering scholarship programs.
Following the formal program on Day 1, there will be opportunities to continue the conversation with panelists and colleagues alike over networking drinks. Co-hosting networking drinks will be the ACT Young Professionals and involve an author event with Dr Anna Kent, where she will discuss her new book on scholarships in the Pacific. 

Day 2 will reflect on the messages from Day 1 considering the voices of sponsors, students, alumni, and institutions, as well as a series of interactive best practice sessions. Some of the topics to be covered include:

Supporting students from countries experiencing conflict
Role of scholarships in driving and supporting the diversification agenda
Role of fellowships in capacity building and developing future professional and/or research collaborations
Institutional best practice
Recent research
Examples of real world impact


Wednesday 22 May 12:00pm - 7:00pm AEST

12:00pm  Networking Lunch
12:30pm Opening comments 
Hon Phil Honeywood, Alison White, Tatjana Kroll, Johan Arnberg
12:45pm Focus on Fellowships Part 1 – Fellowship Sponsors
Rhona McPhee, Kate Turner-Mann, Dr Jonathan Lembright, Sally Campbell, Dr Jessica Gallagher, Alison White (Chair)
1:30pm  Spotlight on Scholarships Part 1– Australian Sponsors
Rhona McPhee, Frances Crews, Sankalp Sheikar, Alexander Meekin, Johan Arnberg (Chair)
2:15pm  Spotlight on Scholarships Part 2 – Overseas sponsors 
Dang Thuy Chi, Mohammad Khairul Amilin Tengah, Dr Farah Fahma, Mario Corredor, Tatjana Kroll (Chair)
3:00pm  Afternoon tea 
3:20pm  Scholarship student/alumni panel
Thanh Huyen Nguyen, Hameed Ibrahimi, Amina Garuba Ahmed, Alison White (Chair)
4:05pm Fellowship recipient panel
Yara Vasina, Dr Nanda Kumar, Dr Ana Cordova, Dr Elly Kent, Manita Raut, Dr Joanne Barker (Chair)
4:50pm Close
Tatjana Kroll, Johan Arnberg
5:00pm Joint ACT Young Professionals Networking Event
Dr Anna Kent


Thursday 23 May 9:30am - 3:15pm AEST

9:30am  Opening and reflections of Day 1
Tatjana Kroll, Johan Arnberg
10:15am Best practice – supporting students from countries experiencing conflict
Dr Sally Baker, Tatia Pittham, Clare Muller, Sandra Elhelw,  Johan Arnberg (Chair)
11:30am  Morning Tea 
11:45am  Role of scholarships in driving the diversification agenda
Wendy Holdenson, Hayley Winchcombe, Dr Alek Voninski, James Armit, Trevor Goddard, Alison White (Chair)
12:45pm Erasmus+ opportunities for collaboration with European Union higher education institutions
Elizabeth Lee-Finkelstein   
1:00pm  Lunch 
1:45pm  Sponsor showcase – Tetra Tech International Development
Dr Gabi Sudewo, Dr Gretchen Dobson, Lia Marpaung, Nelson Salangsang (Chair)
2:30pm Best practice – Role of Fellowships: managing them well will enhance capacity building and future professional and/or research collaborations
Jo Doyle, Kanchana Wijayawardena, Dr Anna Kent, Tatjana Kroll (Chair) 

Alison White



IEAA’s Scholarships and Fellowships Forum provides a unique opportunity for government representatives, sponsorship bodies and institutional staff to come together and explore a range of issues and opportunities. This forum will be useful for:

Professional staff in institutions who work with sponsored students.
Senior staff within institutions who work directly with sponsors and/or set policies or budgets for international scholarships.
Government sponsors (embassy staff, cultural attaches, departmental staff, secretariats).
Non-government and private sponsorship organisations.
Academics undertaking research in scholarships, public diplomacy and international development.


Forum participants will come away with a better understanding of:

• Scholarship and fellowship programs from Australia and other countries, including both government and non-government sponsors
• Best practice in cohort-specific support for a diverse range of sponsored students and fellowship recipients
• Role of scholarships in supporting the diversification of international education
• Role of fellowships in capacity building and professional/research collaborations

Forum participants will also have the opportunity to make connections with representatives from government and non-government scholarship and fellowship programs, and network with fellow professionals committed to providing students and sponsors with best practice support. 

Accommodation discounts

There are discounts available at hotels within walking distance to the venue, please see instructions below.

Abode Apartment Hotels - Belconnen, 3 Grazier Lane & Gungahlin Cnr Gribble St & Anthony Rolfle Ave
•10% off online rate
•Visit abodehotels.com.au
•Select Belconnen ‘Book Now’ OR Gungahlin ‘Book Now’
•Enter dates of stay
•Enter UCX24 in the promo code section to apply the discount

Mercure Canberra Belconnen – Chandler Street Belconnen
•10% off the rate of the day
•Enter ‘Mercure Canberra Belconnen’ into Place field
•Enter dates of stay
•Business Code (SC750018616) and Access Code (UN734AU314) are auto filled discount is linked to Company Name: University of Canberra.


This event is led by IEAA’s Scholarships and Fellowships Network.

We thank our event sponsors Tetra Tech International Development

22/05/2024 12:00 PM - 23/05/2024 3:45 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Ann Harding Conference Centre 24 University Drive S Bruce, ACT 2617 AUSTRALIA
Registration is closed.

Individual Registration

To register for an IEAA event, you first need to either sign in to your account, or create a new account using the links just below the registration button.

Once you are logged in you need to:

  1. Select 'register yourself'.
  2. Choose the registration option (if there are more than one).
  3. Add any dietary or accessibility requirements (in person events only).
  4. Proceed to checkout to complete your registration.

Group Registration

To register a group, you first need to either sign in to your account, or create a new account using the links just below the registration button.

Once you are logged in you need to:

  1. Register yourself (following the individual registration steps).
  2. Choose another person Register additional people from your organisation by selecting register someone else.
  3. Select 'Register Someone Else' to add another person from your organisation.
  4. Enter the name in the search field and select.
  5. Select 'Save' to add them to your registration.
  6. Choose the registration options for each individual.
  7. Repeat for additional people.
  8. Proceed to checkout to complete your registration.