Our Stories

Find out what IEAA means to IEAA members, associates and the international education community.

Jogvan Klein: A unique organisation

Posted on 16/02/2024
Being a part of the IEAA has assisted me to network with others outside of my immediate area of specialisation and become better known in the education sector.

Iori Forsyth: A transformative journey

Posted on 16/02/2024
Engaging with IEAA has been instrumental in broadening my professional horizons, providing networking opportunities, and fostering my leadership skills.

Heidi Piper: Uniting the sector

Posted on 21/02/2024
Being a part of the IEAA has assisted me to network with others outside of my immediate area of specialisation and become better known in the education sector.

Gary Lee: Recognising our Accomplishments

Posted on 21/02/2024
The IEAA Fellowship provided me with aspirations to strive for. It offered benchmarks to which I could measure and manage my professional growth.

Elissa Newall: It's worth the time

Posted on 21/02/2024
The IEAA is the glue of our industry. It keeps us connected and informed, and helps us have a strong voice.